Chebeague Island

Annual Newsletter


(Click on the picture to see full size)
 1st Row - Teacher Miss Rolloff

 2nd Row

 3rd Row

 1.  1. Ralph Estes  1. Josie Ross
 2. Clarence Bowen  2.  2. Ruth Hamilton
 3. Agnes Webber  3. Lula Grannell  3. Delia Bennett
 4. Lenore Bennett  4.  4. Louise Hamilton
 5.  5. Inez Hamilton  5. Georgia Hamilton
 6.  6.  6. Blanche Brewer
 7. Hattie Curit  7.  7. Florence Trufant
 8. Winnie Estes  8. Ethel Curit  8. Linda Hamilton
 9. Emma Estes  9. Jennie (Lincoln) Hamilton  9. Ethyl Hamilton
 10. Statie Hamilton  10. Lillian Grannell  10.
 11. Carl Grannell  11. Fannie Johnson  11. Bessie Hamilton
 12. Clifton Ross  12. Cora Mansfield  12. Bertha Hamilton
 13.  13. Leslie Brewer  13.
 14. Leon Webber  14. Stanley Bennett  14. Charlie Curit
 15.  15.  15.
 16. Beula Hamilton  16. John Hill  16. Edgar Hamilton
 17. Jimmie (Clint) Hamilton  17. Harry Hill  17. Merrow Hamilton
   18. Oscar Ross  
   19. Carl Littlefield  

Front Cover:

District No. 9 School House

Chebeague Island, c. 1896-1899


© 1998

Chebeague Island Historical Society

Table of Contents



Casco Bay Island Development Association

Casco Bay Island Transit District

Chebeague Care Resources

Chebeague on the Internet

Chebeague Island Council

Chebeague Island Community Sailing School

Chebeague Island Grange #576 14

Chebeague Island Hall 16

Chebeague Island Hall-- History 19

Chebeague Island Historical Society 28

Chebeague Island Library 30

Chebeague Island Players 32

Chebeague Island School 34

Chebeague Island Transfer Station 39

Chebeague Island Yacht Club 40

Chebeague Piecemakers 43

Chebeague Post Office 45

Chebeague Recreation Center 46

Chebeague Transportation Company 49

Annual Craft Sale 53

Cumberland and Mainland Island Trust 54

Cumberland Town Council 57

Friends of the Library 60

Great Chebeague Golf Club 62

Great Chebeague Tennis Club 64

Ladies Aid 65

Marge Thompson 66

Meals-on-Wheels 68

Recompense Foundation 69

Sanford's Pond 71

School Reunion 72

Saving Raymond's Boat 75

Sidney Snake's Summer Adventure 76

Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund 79

United Methodist Church 80

Whalers 81

Chebeague Census 83


This year, the Chebeague Island Historical Society has assumed publication of the Annual Newsletter from the Island Council on a trial basis -- a trial to see if the Historical Society can carry on the fine publication tradition established by the Council, and a trial to see if the Council might wish to resume publication at some later date.

The Historical Society has decided to streamline the production of the Annual Newsletter by not soliciting or accepting advertising, and by distributing the finished product only by sale at the Island Market, thereby saving mailing costs.

In addition, the Annual Newsletter is available on the Internet for the first time, including some material not included in the printed edition. The address to visit is:

The old photograph of the District No. 9 schoolhouse on the cover of this 1998 Annual Newsletter shows a building that is very different from the way it is today. A garage door has replaced a window, the belfry was removed, and a garage wing has been added. But this represents the Historical Society's vision of how the building might look in the future, much as it looked in the past. Inside that building, we hope to create a cultural heritage center for Chebeague Island.

We've begun that project by making the building "tight to the weather," with a new roof, replaced windows and other repairs necessary to preserve the building.

Within the next year or two, the Historical Society will be embarking on a capital campaign to make our larger vision a reality. In the meantime, donations toward this ambitious effort will be accepted with great appreciation.

Our thanks to all the contributing Island organizations, and we hope you enjoy our 1998 Annual Newsletter.

-- The Editors:

David R. Hill

Beverly S. Johnson

Leonard M. Passano

to the top

Casco Bay Island Development Association

The Casco Bay Island Development Association, a bay-wide civic association, had a quiet 1997, saddened by the death of Harriet Hutchison, longtime faithful Chebeague representative on the Steering Committee, as well as the deaths of Margaret Broadwater of Peaks Island, and Hal Hackett of Little Diamond. CBIDA sent a donation in Harriet's memory to Chebeague Care Resource.

Through letters, CBIDA as an organization supported the lobstermen in their opposition to the regulations proposed to save the right whale at the expense of the lobster industry. It also encouraged the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) to ensure Chebeague's long-standing access to the mainland via Cousins Island.

The annual meeting intended for Chebeague in the summer of 1997 had to be moved to Cliff Island when the Nellie G Cafe closed. Plans are underway to have the meeting on Chebeague in 1998.

The CBIDA's 1998 Boaters' Pamphlet, with current information about the islands, marinas, fuel supplies and pump out stations is now available at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard. This free publication is designed to fit in a pocket or be tacked on a bulkhead.

CBIDA continues to work with the Casco Bay Estuary Project, now in its third year of implementing the Casco Bay Plan. The organization also works closely with Waterfront Alliance as well as keeping abreast of the activities of the Region 6 Transportation Advisory Committee (Cumberland and York Counties) and the Casco Bay Island Transit District.

CBIDA still points with pride to its part in the formation of the quasi-municipal Transit District which saved Casco Bay Lines from the bankruptcy brought about by its private owner; instead it was placed in the hands of a Board of Directors elected by island voters. It is also proud of its work in preserving Peaks Island Seashore Drive for public use and making sure that Great Diamond's McKinley Estates development was kept to a size suitable for that island.

Now in existence for over 30 years, CBIDA's Steering Committee, with representatives from each island, meets at 9:30 am at the Casco Bay Ferry Terminal on the first Saturday of each month (occasionally adjusted for holidays). Meetings are open to the public. Membership in CBIDA is open to all residents of the Casco Bay islands, year-round and summer, as well as to those interested in and supportive of island concerns. Dues are $7.00 per person or $10.00 per couple. Members are kept up to date with periodic "Memo-to-Members", have the opportunity for group visits to the islands at the Annual Meeting, and can know that they have a part in protecting the islands. To join simply send a letter and your dues to: Ruth Mistark, Treasurer CBIDA, Cliff Island, Maine, 04019. CBIDA takes pride in its reputation as a responsible and reasonable organization and urges membership ... the larger our membership the louder our voice.

For further information call President Virginia Fisher (772-3616) or Chebeague Representatives Jean Dyer (846-4188) or Marjorie Rice (846-4864).

-- Jean Dyer

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Casco Bay Island Transit District

1997 represented a year of growth and demand for services provided by Casco Bay Lines. The Board of Directors was forced to recognize that the M/V Quickwater was too small to meet the passenger demand. It was determined to search for a replacement vessel and the M/V Bay Mist was located in late 1997 as a potential replacement vessel. The Bay Mist is an 85 foot twin screw passenger vessel that had been used to provide charter service in New York's Great South Bay between Long Island and Fire Island for approximately 12 years. She was built by Blount Marine; the same yard that has built all of the existing CBL vessels except the Maquoit II.

In an effort to keep rates as low as possible, CBL management underwent an extensive expense analysis in early 1997. The efficiency and revenue potential of all operations were scrutinized. The 9:30 a.m. summer weekday trip leaving Chebeague was of particular attention as it has low ridership, but it was determined to keep this trip at the request of the Chebeague Island Post Office and due to significant ridership from Cliff Island. Also, the late Friday trip leaving Portland at 10:30 was also continued for the summer of 1998.

In January, CBITD went out to bid for renovations to the Island Romance. The work included the installation of a vertical passenger lift, a U.S. Coast Guard-approved CO2 system and accessible, ADA-conforming toilet space on the main deck. A contract was signed in February with the successful bidder, North Atlantic Marine, Inc., of Portland. Work was completed in April 1997.

Bill Neily, CBITD's Operations Manager since August of 1987, finished up at Casco Bay Lines October 5th in order to pursue his interest in a home-based business. Taking over temporarily as Operations Manager will be Captain Nicholas Mavodones, who brings nearly twenty years of experience to the job.

-- Jim Phipps, Director

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Chebeague Care Resources

(Our annual report for 1997 is reprinted from the monthly Calendar of February, 1998).

Chebeague Care Resource (CCR) directors, John Birkett, Frankie Doughty, Pommy Hatfield, Ester Knight, Ross Martindale, Jim Phipps, June Scamman, Cynnie Sheketoff and Beth Williams, appreciate the phenomenal community support and enthusiasm in the past year. CCR successfully administered the following programs:

Senior Lunch. 253 dinners were served at nine events, 39 additional meals were delivered into the community. In all, 82 volunteers planned, cooked, served, transported and/or entertained.

Information Resource/Library. 19 families requested health information and support. CCR was given a new file cabinet for storage of over 50 lbs. of health care information. Laura Trask, a medical student from UVM, and intern for CCR last summer, catalogued our entire resource collection.

Community Workshops. 34 people attended three informative, free workshops on breast health, supplementary insurance, and "advocating for your medicare services from hospital to home care".

Island Commons. Gladie and Ray Gilmartin donated their farmhouse of 1.6 acres of land. Four community committees advised, edited and compiled valuable information for predevelopment and fundraising. Many hundreds bought items, food and raffle tickets, played golf, attended meetings, spoke up in support and were terrific on- and off-island advocates for CCR. Hard-working volunteer participation and donations continue to be outstanding. Because of these successful 1997 fundraising efforts, CCR is pleased to announce that Island Commons ground-breaking will commence when the soil is dry, about black fly time, in 1998!

Our fundraising to date:

$ 4,100. from the yard sale. 16 volunteers and 43 contributors.

1,918. from the scallop dinner. 21 volunteers and 36 contributors.

10,500. from the golf tournament. 27 volunteers and 29 contributors.

1,253. from raffles. Donations from three Island artists.

123,000. from cash donations from 240 individuals, organizations and businesses.

146,300. from five private foundation grants and two State of Maine grants.

4,960. from thoughtful contributions, in memory of Jack Brown, David Buxbaum, Travis Higginbotham, John Holt, Joanne LaGanke, Dave Perkins, Francis Putnam, Helen Slowik, and one in memory of the people of Chebeague who died in 1997.

CCR thanks each and every one of you who made such successes possible. We encourage you to maintain your level of support and stay in touch with us. Ask questions, seek answers, volunteer, join a committee, make suggestions, attend meetings give cash or pledge contributions to one of our programs. CCR is a non-profit, tax exempt Maine corporation advocating for your health!

In the past 12 months CCR supporters gave, granted and raised $523.652. to develop Island Commons. The Thaxter Company, the contractor, has nearly completed site work. Construction is scheduled to start by June 5th, and Island Commons will be prepared for its first residents by mid-November.

The Resident Managers of Island Commons will be Cheryl and Darren Hillicoss. They will take a Department of Human Services training course in June, and will be working closely with CCR throughout the summer on program development, resident applications, business setup and staffing. Until Island Commons has its own phone, please call CCR at 846-6141 for any information about this unique Chebeague adult family care home.

-- Pommy Hatfield

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Chebeague on the Internet

When I decided to start a web page it was mostly for my convenience for locating sites which interested me but as everyone knows it escalated quickly. I received a call from the online reporter for the Portland Press Herald who was hoping to get the Islands online with their own informational sites and they said they would provide an address for me. I started to put it together but really did not want it to be constrained by others so I did it on my own. I enjoy working on the page when I have time to provide information for year round and summer islanders. The page is not meant as an advertisement for the island and I have refused its mention in major national magazines when asked. Jon Rich had done a drawing for the gift shop and I knew it was perfect to represent a Chebeague Page. I try to update it regularly and the best way was a news page which I update every few days with island information and goings on including births, marriages and deaths. I will include marriages, baby pictures, obituaries, stories, poems and almost anything provided to me.

The following is an article by David Lewis which appeared in the "Working Waterfront/Inter-Island News" May 1998: ISLAND WEBSITES CONTINUE TO IMPROVE - by David Lewis

"A recent review of Maine island web sites shows a few old favorites and some good looking new ones. We began by running searches on island names, but quickly found that the returns were heavily weighted toward business sites (mostly real estate and B&B pages) so the search was narrowed to include the words "community," "school" or "library." We found and looked at a considerable number of links.

"The Chebeague Island Anchor Page is eye-catching, with a colorful drawing as its opening screen. Scrolling down, there is a table of contents, including links to news of the island - updated daily- in both frames and non-frames versions. Clicking on "Island News," there are indeed postings of news and weather with today's date. The layout is neat and easy to navigate.

"A bit further down are links to other island pages, including the school, library, a church and a land trust as well as information about activities and businesses on Chebeague. There are links to articles recently published in the local press, including Casco Bay Weekly and the Portland Press Herald. Beverly Johnson created, manages, and updates the page - in fact, one of a very few criticisms we have is that she's not more clearly identified in the opening file!

"Digging deeper, we followed a link to an article in the Portland Press Herald which told us a lot about her and her family - how she and her husband Stephen have adopted three children who were living in orphanages in Russia. The photographs are beautiful and the story quite touching.

We learn by examining the "urls" (web addresses) of other Chebeague Island pages that Johnson is a prolific web master, having put up many of the town's organizations and businesses. The Press Herald article informs us that she is a plumber and her husband is a lobsterman. We have to wonder where she finds time to have such a presence on the web and keep up what has to be a very busy family and work life as well.

"The Chebeague Island Anchor Page demonstrates good use of hypertext, the foundation and architecture which makes the World Wide Web the powerful resource that it is. From this one opening page there are scores of sites either directly or indirectly relating to Chebeague Island and other Maine islands. As such, it's an excellent place to begin looking for other island sites. We had already visited some of those listed, but used the Anchor's links to view others we had not yet seen."

"The amazing growth and popularity of the web are shown by links to more than a dozen year-round and seasonal residents' home pages. As with any foray into the web, one good site leads to another. The hard part is staying on track - we'd better back up and look at some other island pages. . . It will be easy to get to lots of other island sites from some of the links provided on these sites. And there is a wealth of material posted to non-island sites which mentions or describes aspects of island community life.. . . . There's a lot out there on the web about Maine islands."

Islesboro Agenda:

North Haven Community School:

Cliff Notes:

Peaks Island:

-- Beverly Johnson

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Chebeague Island Council

The Chebeague Island Council has had to use this year as a year of regrouping and looking toward the future. Our financial status became a problem due to our publishing costs which required most of our resources, leaving little for other commitments. Instead of publishing the Newsletter, we had decided to try to use the Calendar to share information. The Historical Society has volunteered to take on the Newsletter with our thanks and support. We are hoping to purchase a copying machine which will permit us to do our own publishing. The savings on Calendar expenses will pay for it in the first year.

Meantime, our budget committee has worked out a budget which will permit us to continue all our other commitments - support of the medical facility and Doctor, donations to island and mainland organizations, the Calendar and support of the 4th of July parade and picnic.

Thanks to all for the many ideas you have shared with us, and your continuing support.

We're looking forward to an exciting year!

-- Ester Knight, President

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Chebeague Island Community Sailing School

The Sailing School attained two of the goals we set out to achieve. With the formation of our tax exempt status, we are now a program that starts at age 9 and provides structured sailing experience until age 18. This year we instituted a racing program for l3 year-old-plus kids. Secondly, we started sending our graduates to U S SAILING's Dinghy Instructor Training & Certification Program. We are using the US SAILING textbook and Certification program for our students. This allows them to use their certification books for additional training outside the school. In an effort to perpetuate this training option, I hope we can establish a scholarship program to help fund the tuition of our future instructors. The CICSS Board of Directors is in the process of establishing criteria and prerequisites for sailing students who are is and wish to participate in the instructor training program.

We had a total of 46 students in the CICSS programs this summer; 5 in Boating Basics, 19 in Sailing Fundamentals, 9 in Racing Seminar and 12 in a special small power driven boat course given by Jim Millinger.- We owe him a great thank you for running this highly informative course which had a very diverse student body of 8 kids under 15 and 6 over 20.

The great news in our fleet is that this year the Zefs have all new masts and rigging. We color coded the halyards to help the kids identify them We rerigged the booms and main sheets and the boats seem to sail better than ever.

The kids finally named the 420's; Kermit and Grover. They are thinking of renaming Rival but as yet have not reached consensus. David Burgess was able to repair Rival after last summer's dismasting and she now sails with renewed vigor.

Once again Diane and Hartley were there for us with bits and pieces to repair our gear breaks and always supportive of our program which continues to grow.

Another contributor to the program who deserves a special thank you is Don Mayer who presented the club and CICSS with a new dingy, the kids have affectionately named it ELMO.

This has been a very exciting year for CICSS/CIYC. We participated In two regional regattas. The first was the Junior 420 Sears/Bemis Cup Regional Races held at Harraseeket on July 15th. Sarah Carson and Barbara Marks represented CICSS/CIYC and were possibly 4th out of six competitors, two of whom went on to the nationals. It was a very blustery, rainy, dank day, but they hung in there on hi tech, new 420's, even righting and finishing a race after capsizing. On August 5th, Tyler Foster GwiIlum and Abby Cummings represented us in the Southern/Western Midget Regional for kids under 13. They finished in the middle of the pack, a great showing for their first exposure to interclub competition.

Our eighth Annual Chebeague - Trefethens Regatta was held at Peaks this year. We had a great day! We had 5 kids racing 420's and 11 kids in turnabouts. We were the champions in wins, sweeping the 420's with 4 firsts and the same in turnabouts. We lost the plaque on cumulative points. Maricel Hahn and David Lynch designed a Regatta T-shirt which was presented to each participant. The individual champions in 420's were Sarah & Chip Corson; Tyler Gwillum and David Stevens in Turnabouts.

A special thank you goes to the adults who helped us transport and support the kids; Donna Damon, David Nyhan, Karen Sharp, Tom Rothschild, Jeff & Maricel Hahn, Charles Marks, without the support oft he many individuals who volunteer their time this program could not exist at the level it does.

Finally the annual CICSS awards: for Seamanship the following students; Naty Smith, Nora Bisharat, Michael Sharp, Simon Brown, Jennifer Tonks, Jocelyn Hulbert and Chris Sharp. The Webster Trophy given to the sailing school participant who demonstrates both skills of seamanship and sportsmanship, was awarded to Sarah Corson and was presented by Tom Rothschild, Commodore of CIYC.

-- Karen Corson

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Chebeague Island Grange #576

"It's a good thing to be a Granger!"

So starts one of the songs that we often sing at our meetings. And it is a good thing to be a Granger - good for us as individuals and good for the community. Let's think for just a minute of all the things that Chebeague Island wouldn't have if the Grange wasn't a viable organization:

1. No one would spearhead the island clean-up. This doesn't just happen - it must be planned and areas designated to certain responsible individuals.

2. No one would clean the cemetery. There are many old graves which would be untended, without care, if we Grangers didn't donate hours of our time cleaning, mowing and raking.

3. No one would decorate the veterans' graves with American flags. Our honored dead are entitled to have the flag that they fought, and in many cases, died for, flying over their graves.

4. No one would put sprays on the veterans' graves. They deserve, too, a rose spray that says symbolically: "We Remember".

5. No one would sponsor the Memorial Day service at church. Memorial Day is the day when we remember all of our dead with speeches, songs and prayers in church, but someone has to do the planning.

6. No one would organize the Thrift Shop. If the Thrift Shop wasn't operational, what would we do with our rummage?

7. No one would organize the Grange Fair and Auction. Although the Grange Fair is a relatively new function, everyone has a good time, and who doesn't love the auction?

8. No one would fill boxes of cheer at Christmas for the elderly and shut in. This is an especially heart-warming task to those of us who fill and deliver these boxes of Christmas goodwill for our neighbors.

Sadly, our Chapter was draped in loving memory of Lida Small. Lida was a charter member of our Grange, a many times past Chaplain, and is sincerely missed.

Martha Hamilton had a Grange display in the library in celebration of Grange Week, which was from April 19 to the 25th this year. Any information that you may require regarding the Grange remains available there, or from any Granger.

This spring found some of us cutting and burning brown-tail moth nests. Even though spraying is going to take place this spring, there is something so satisfying about setting the critters afire!

Kindly remember to keep us in mind when you clean out your attics and closets. We accept almost anything for the Thrift Shop and Auction. A call to either Di Calder (846-4176) or Fran Calder (846-4876) will get all the information that you require.

We will be having three new members joining us this spring. If you think that you, too, would like to join our ranks, we'd be delighted to have you. Contact any Granger.

"It's a grand, good thing to be a Granger, and it makes my heart glad!"

-- Frances L. Calder, Master

Scenes from the 1997 Grange Fair





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Chebeague Island Hall

President Cindy MacNeill has kept the Board of Directors on it's toes this past year, holding suppers, brunches, adult dances, kid's dances and the New Year's Eve Party, all for the same purpose, the upkeep of the Chebeague Island Hall.

Although dances, suppers and rentals provided most of our income for 1997, we did receive some notable donations. One such donation was a beautiful, queen-sized quilt made and donated by Jeanette Hamilton for a raffle last fall. A lucky lady from Rhode Island won the quilt and we gained $1000. A generous and thoughtful donation; very much appreciated.

At Christmastime of '97, we shared proceeds with the Whalers of their Christmas concert. They put on a terrific show and we served refreshments, all adding up to a festive occasion.

Last winter the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center had new door locks and keys made up for every door in the building, enabling us to keep better track of them. These keys cannot be duplicated, so we will definitely know whose hands they are in. Thanks to Ken Hamilton for installing the locks.

We have been praying that the weather might cooperate long enough for us to paint ... to give us a weekend to paint the outside of the Hall. A painting bee has been planned for weeks. I expect that by the time you read this, this will be history!

Thanks to Darren Hillicoss and Gary Varney, we finally got rid of the flies within the ceiling lights. Gary lent us his staging and Darren climbed up there and disposed of a very unpleasant sight. Credit goes to Cindy for organizing the job and cleaning the fixtures, along with Pat St. Cyr, Karen Hamilton and Sylvia Ross. Throughout the year we owe a huge thanks to our janitor, Lucy Vaughn, for her never ending, but most important job. Well done, Lucy!

B.J. Abrahamson is successfully teaching Yoga classes three times a week for anyone wishing to relax, stretch and breath to music ... besides having fun. Thanks to B.J. for providing this opportunity!

The Bingo games are eagerly anticipated by many avid players, especially our senior citizens. Their sheer excitement in playing ... not only winning ... gives us the hope of continuing these games for some time to come. Sylvia Ross is chairperson. Cliff Barker does a great job as caller. Our faithful cashiers are Audrey and Dick Collins. The two jackpot prizes are usually in the range of $10 to $20 depending on the evening's attendance ... the more players, the higher the jackpot. Regular games produce $3 to $7 for the lucky winner unless she or he unfortunately has to split the proceeds with another winner in the same game. It costs 25 to play each series of Bingo. A series consists of three games. We play six series and two jackpots every other Wednesday night from 7 pm to 10:30 pm. Recently our license fee has been raised, so we may be forced to up the price of each card to 30. Ask Bertha Gray, Alice Blackwell or Ellen Hamilton and they will tell you that it is worth it. Homemade goodies donated by one of the players are always served during intermission.

The new floors are still as beautiful as ever and nobody is enjoying them more than the Quilters. To spread their masterpieces out on that smooth, smooth floor so as to baste or sew them together is indeed a pleasure, not to mention those soft padded chairs we sit in while at our machines. The Quilters not only make quilts; they make full use of the kitchen to cook up some of the best recipes ever eaten on this side of heaven!

Our baked bean suppers have been so well received this year that we plan for more to come. A Clam Puff & Casserole supper was held on May 16th ... a combined effort of the Church and the Hall. With Mabel Doughty supervising, you may rest assured it was a delicious meal. Due to the demand for our Chebeague bumper stickers we will be having our third printing done this spring, in hopes that they will be ready by the 4th of July.

The Hall has really been blest with so much community support and is very lucky to have such a great, ambitious crew as our Board of Directors. We are thankful to have such a dedicated president as Cindy MacNeill. Cindy wishes to thank one and all for everything they have done this past year and every other year. You've all been great. You have made it a very good year!

-- Sylvia Ross, Secretary

Board of Directors: Cindy MacNeill, President; Pat St. Cyr, Vice President; Jeanette Hamilton, Treasurer; Sylvia Ross, Recording Secretary; Dianne Brewer, Corresponding Secretary; Karen Hamilton, Booker; Jill Hamilton, Julie Doughty, Ruth Houghton, Roy Jackson, Darren Hillicoss and Ken Hamilton, Board Members.

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Chebeague Island Hall-- History

Facts and recollections 1928-1998

The Hall stands in the same location as the old Golden Cross Hall did in the late 1800s, until 1927, when it burned down one night after a dance, presumably by a carelessly thrown cigarette that had landed in a trash can under the stairway.

The Banner Commandery of the Golden Cross was a fraternal organization operated under state regulation, similar to the Grange today, but is no longer in existence. The framed chapter charter is sometimes displayed in the Hall at present.

The Golden Cross Hall, built by Chebeaguers, had an upstairs and two front doors. It covered about the same area as the present building. After the Banner Commandery was dissolved, the former members created the Chebeague Hall Company, a stockholder owned association. They held their first meeting in the Golden Cross Hall in 1903.

For years people have searched for a picture of the Golden Cross Hall. Just recently, one came to light while Betsey Ross was going through some old family snapshots. Martha Hamilton now has a laser copy in the Library. It was truly a rare find; with the permission of those concerned, we have reproduced this historic record of Island life on the inside back cover of this issue of the Annual Newsletter. The various young people standing in front of the entrances are probably high school pupils and we think that the photograph was taken in the early 1900s. Can you identify any of them for us?

The upper floor of the G.C. Hall was used for dances and suppers. The main floor was used for meetings, plays, concerts (it had a stage), and even the Ladies Aid. Before Chebeague had a high school, classes were held in this Hall. Back then, dances were held every Saturday night, with Marion Hamilton playing their favorite songs on the piano. Square dances were very popular.

After the G.C. Hall burned in 1927, only a year passed before its members built the present Chebeague Island Hall. In 1928, Addison Hamilton became its first president and Granville Hill, treasurer.

During the early years of the new Hall - 1928 to 1977 - rarely was there a weekend when there wasn't a meeting, dance, movie, or some kind of recreation taking place. Every June, the graduates of Chebeague High School would gather for their graduation reception, donning their gowns and dress suits. The Hall was powerfully scented with decorations of fir boughs and lilacs. There would be refreshments, speakers and lots of dancing. How this excitement was missed after the 1950s, when the high school pupils were sent to Greely to finish out their classes!

Public speaking contests, school plays, spelling bees, talent shows and concerts - all a vital part of the Hall's history. Ladies Aid Fairs, slide shows, fashion shows and auctions; gymnastic shows, puppet shows, Mayflower Club plays, art shows, Tupperware parties, showers, lectures. Where do we end? There was no ending! The Hall has been here forever! One organization or another has benefitted from these events.

Around 1943-44, the Army moved into the Hall, with cots, cameras, dufflebags - the works! The soldiers were part of a battalion stationed on the island during World War II, and lived in the Hall for a year or so. The largest barracks were at the East End where Mary Lou Hilly's family, the Richardsons, lived. Also Deer Point had it's share of Army barracks and soldiers. At the Hall, the soldiers showed movies and held dances frequently. Of course, all the girls were thrilled!

Voting and town meetings always took place in the Hall until the Public Service Building was built in the early 1980s. Recently they moved back to the Hall, for convenience and historical reasons. The Hall never charged the town for their use of the building, until it was tried in the mid-1980s, but retracted by the Board of Directors three or four years later.

Through the 1960s and 1970s the Hall began to deteriorate. Donations were scarce on account of it being owned by stockholders - hence, making it a so-called profit making company. However, nothing could be further from the truth as far as the Hall's policies were concerned. Generally, they donated the Hall when used for Halloween and Christmas parties, play rehearsals, flu clinics and other medically related programs, or anything else that they deemed worthy of charity.

Some Hall people who should be remembered for their keen interest in Hall affairs are: Albion and Helen Miller, Ruth Slowik, Priscilla Riddle, Ray Phipps, Ned Morse and Sylvia Ross. In September, 1996, a granite bench was dedicated to the memory of Ned Morse for his strong leadership in forming the CIHCC.

In the 1960s, the Island Council became interested in revitalizing the Hall and did substantial improvements on the exterior of the building. They had a new back porch built, they painted the Hall and put on new screens. Thy negotiated water rights to Earl Doughty's well, receiving from him a quit-claim deed to the well. Cold water was then piped into the Hall.

To reminisce about the old time Ladies Aid Fairs is a pleasure in itself. As a child, entering the Hall in great anticipation of all the grab bags strung out and hanging behind a table for one to try to make up one's mind as to what color string to pull, was almost more than a kid could stand! The decorations were overwhelming in color with crepe paper streamers draped on the front of the tables and from the ceiling, even around the two white enameled buckets of punch, one filled with orange aid, the other with fruit punch. The wonderful, pungent aroma of Etta Ross's clam puffs wafting from the kitchen can never be forgotten. Etta, Bill Ross's mother, stood for hours cooking those puffs! Then there was all the homemade candy, and handmade items everywhere you looked. Today, the Ladies Aid Fair is still about the most popular function that happens in the Hall.

By the 1970's many stockholders of the Hall Company had either passed away, moved off the Island or simply lost interest. Four active members remained on the Board, these members having shares transferred to them from friends or relatives. They were: Priscilla Riddle, Ruth Slowik, Sylvia Ross and Bob Riddle. The Hall still was without bathrooms, no hot running water, no insulation or wallboard, a Coleman kerosene stove that needed lighting before every winter meeting, very dim lighting and very little money left. The kitchen owned an old combination wood and oil stove, black iron sink and a huge, but not working so good gas cook stove. In the winter the water was drained from the pipes, requiring water to be carried in buckets before suppers could be held.

The Wagoneers, a local country band, had been formed during these hard times for the Hall, and they were hired for a dance. Members of this band were: Marshall Bowen, bass, Meredith and Marlene Bowen, electric guitar and vocalist respectively, James (Brother) Ross, lead guitar and banjo. All of them sang as well. Gary Ross joined the group after his father left the band and Gary became the lead guitarist. Marlene and Med were a great singing duo.

The Wagoneers proved to be a hit with Chebeague dancers. Country music was thriving in the 1960s and 70s. And so it was that the Wagoneers became a permanent fixture at the Hall, at least once a month. And we made money. Hiring the Wagoneers for dances enabled the Hall Committee to buy four new tables, panel the stage walls, paint the Hall and buy a 50 cup coffee maker. More than once they played for nothing if there was a small crowd. We are much indebted to the Wagoneers, who not only played on Chebeague but on Long Island, Cliff Island, the Log Cabin in Yarmouth and at many other locations. We are indeed fortunate to have the Wagoneers still playing at our dances. If any musical group belongs in the Hall's archives, it is them.

Recognizing the fact that before any extensive or major improvements to the Hall could be made, the Hall Company turned to the Island Council, who had come to their aid once before. In the meantime the Library's quarters, situated in an unoccupied room at the schoolhouse, were becoming smaller every day, and their Trustees were starting to visualize a new, larger Library. Also, for many years the Island Council had been searching for a full time resident doctor, to no avail. Ned Morse, President of the Council, had been informed by the Hall Company that as much as they needed help they did not wish to become part of the Council. They did like the idea though of dissolving their stockholder organization and becoming a non-profit.

The Council had recently sold the Doctor's House (more history in the making) and was quite apprehensive when, at a meeting, Ned proposed forming a new entity consisting of the Hall, the Library and a Health Care Center, all under one roof, all independent from each other, to be called the Chebeague Island Community Center.

Barton Curit owned the property next to the Hall and offered to donate enough land to the Hall for this project if agreed upon by those involved. The Librarian, Martha Hamilton, was ecstatic. Her dream just might come true! Those of the Hall Company were dubious, but hopeful. Where would all this money come from? Would the Hall lose its identity altogether? What would the future bring? The Council was not quite ready to use the proceeding from the Doctor's House sale, and they had recently hired for part-time Dr. Radis who was seeing patients at the new Public Safety Building.

Through meetings, deliberations, lawyers' fees, relinquished shares of stock, and much, much time included, in November 1977 the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center was formed and the then Hall President, Sylvia Ross, signed its deed over to them. Ned became president of the CIHCC after turning over his presidency on the Council to Blanchard Bates. The Council had agreed.

The Hall Company was pleased with the decision to keep the Hall name in the new title; the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. The new entity could "... hold, maintain and administer the Hall for such charitable and social purposes for which such building was used in the past...," as stated in the new bylaws.

Top priority of the CIHCC was installing toilet facilities and ridding the Hall of the outside privies attached to the back of the building. In 1981 the first fund raising campaign of its kind ever on Chebeague provided the Hall with two bathrooms and a lobby with a double door entrance way. The support was overwhelming! The kickoff luncheon and the victory dinner will not be soon forgotten, and neither will Duke Faubert, a fund raising expert, who taught us and guided us all the way to victory. Ned himself knew that his best friend Duke was the right one for the job. John Thaxter received the construction bid in 1982, completing it in 1983. If ever a guy deserves credit, it was the building chairman, Dick Phipps. Dick spent hours and days drawing up plans for the new addition, consulting with John and keeping the Board updated on all the details. Between Dick and John we had the best!

In 1988 can you believe, a new kitchen! Harold Todd, Bob Parker, Dick Phipps (he again drew up plans), Ken Hamilton, and President Peggy Jones were all instrumental in reaching this goal. Members stained and varnished the wall cabinets, Ken put on the hinges and doorknobs. A tile floor was laid. Formica was installed on the counter tops. The Council donated money and we bought two new gas stoves and two new dishwashers. Peggy did all the shopping around.

The Library was built in 1990, large enough to accommodate the Health Care Center for the Island Council, when needed. A large stone and plaque dedicated to Barton and Marjorie Curit for their gift of the land, was placed in the garden near the Library. Ross and Nancy Martindale donated a substantial amount of money towards landscaping and planting.

Not to forget the new "select birch" floor that was made possible in 1997 through the overwhelmingly generous donations of all Chebeaguers, both summer and winter residents. Also, the year before, a wonderful gift of 125 new, padded chairs from Ross Martindale was added to the Hall, in memory of Nancy Beach Martindale, who always used to bring her own cushion to soften the hard wooden chairs that Ross's generous contribution replaced.

The Library addition to the Hall led to negotiations with the Town of Cumberland concerning maintenance support to help cover the cost of heating, lights and insurance. The Town agreed on a yearly stipend of $15,000. Out of this maintenance subsidy the Library pays the Hall for rental free use of the Hall and its land, by covering the heating, lighting, one half the insurance and for Town related janitorial fees. The Hall pays its own janitorial fee and half the insurance costs. The Council leases space from the Library for the Health Care Center. They also get free use of the Hall for clinics held there. The Town gets free use of the Hall, as always; it paid for the excavation work for the bathrooms. Later on, while the Library was being built, the Library generously donated a new shingled roof for the Hall.

Lewis Ross was janitor of the Hall when he was twenty-one years old. His grandfather, Edward Ross, built the Chebeague Island Hall.

After the CIHCC was formed, many Presidents helped shape the past and future of the Hall. Since 1977, Presidents of the CIHCC have been: Ned Morse, Sylvia Ross (twice), Beverly Johnson, Doug Damon, Honey Riddle, Peggie Jones, Sheila Putnam, Carrie Hawks, Julie Doughty, Ken Hamilton, and Cindy MacNeill. Past directors of the Board are too numerous to mention, but they all hold equal recognition for their ideas, opinions, volunteer work and support. Many good deeds have been done by the directors themselves, but it is all of the people of Chebeague who have held this institution together through thick and thin for 70 years.

Charter members of the Golden Cross, as listed in order on the original charter, dated December 8, 1884:

Edward W. Hamilton

Aaron Cleaves

Stephen R. Hamilton

Henry W. Bowen

Edward Ross

True Whittier

Ammie R. Littlefield

Margery Hamilton

Jennie O. Hamilton

James M. Hamilton

Rufus Soule

John Rose

Emery Hamilton

Isaac Strout

Albert Grannell

Clinton Hamilton.........................................................................................

References: the Golden Cross Hall's secretary's book of minutes. Albert Grannell (Joan Robinson's great-grandfather) was secretary. Also, the Portland Library, the Chebeague Library, the Hall Company's records, the CIHCC records, friends and personal memoirs.

-- Sylvia Ross

to the top

Chebeague Island Historical Society

This is bound to be remembered as the year we found a home. After years of anticipation, the Town of Cumberland built a new town garage on Chebeague and was so generous as to deed the building they had been using to the Historical Society.

This isn't just any old building. What was used as the town garage since the 1960s was originally built as the District Number 9 schoolhouse on Chebeague around 1872 and later became known as the East End School. At one time or another, it housed every grade on Chebeague. The old blackboards (just that -- boards that are painted black) may still be seen on the walls. Tucked away in the attic are old desks, complete with the personal identifications that are more treasured today then when they were first inscribed. Even remnants of the two "single-holer" restrooms may be seen. It was a pleasant surprise to find that the original deed had been witnessed by my great-grandfather, George Hill.

From the outside, the building looks much as it has for the past few years, in need of paint, replacement window panes, and a new roof. But that will soon change as the Historical Society takes on the mission of making the building "tight to the weather," so that we can begin moving in our collection of artifacts, large and small.

The next step will be to chart a direction for the building as a cultural center -- part museum (a term many detest), part resource center, part community reception building. Soon, we hope to make the old schoolhouse truly our home, a living memorial to the history of Great Chebeague Island.

The year was rich for us in many other ways, as well. As always, our Senior Citizen luncheon was a success in the spring. The annual meeting saw the adoption of modernized by-laws which we hope will assist us in obtaining the funds we need to build our home. Our program committee did an outstanding job presenting programs ranging from the fishhouses of Chebeague to the Coney Island of Maine (turn-of-the-century Peaks Island). We took a tour of Little Chebeague with Richard Innes and learned about the lobster wars of the 1950s from Ron Formisano.

As has always been the case in years when it has been offered, the Island House Tour was probably the highlight of the season. Our thanks to the many gracious hosts and hostesses who opened their homes to us.

An unexpected bonus for the Historical Society was the money raised by sales of the "Pilot Cracker Pins," brass crackers that looked good enough to eat, made and donated by Gail Miller.

The upcoming year promises to be just as exciting for us as we continue with our Schoolhouse renovation and plan a program season full of information and surprises. History may be "bunk," but we sure make the most of it!

-- David R Hill, President

Chebeague Island Library

Since I have already reported on the 1997 statistics in our Friends letter and the Town Report I will not repeat them here. Last year I wrote about the fund raising efforts of the Library ... the Friends drive for ongoing operating expenses and the Endowment letter for funds invested for income, which should be winding up and paying by the year 2000. These appeals will continue and remember that this is a new Directory year ... a better edition than ever. Be sure to pick one (or two) up at the Library from July on.

Last fall the Trustees again approached the Town for an increase in support for salaries and building maintenance, but we only received $1000 more this year than in 1997. It will help ... mostly in the area of maintenance, but it was a disappointment. We also asked for a "grant" from the Town to fund our computer expansion. This item was not included in the budget request and is entirely separate. It is still being negotiated, so we hope it may be settled by the time you read this.

We mentioned improving our services last year ... and to that end we have just put out a survey to access the convenience and popularity of the hours we are open and any suggestions for changes that would significantly benefit the community. the response has been gratifying already. I must say that the Library has always been fortunate in eliciting returns from mailings whether it's a survey or fund drive ... people DO respond. It is too early to analyze the results ... but the suggestions are interesting. I hope all the people who have indicated that they would like to have the library open every day or every night are going to be willing to volunteer their services to hake that kind of change probable!

We also mentioned the increased need for expanding some areas of the present building to make room for the computers, the temperature controlled room for the Historical collections, miscellaneous storage, the growing audio and video collections, more non-fiction books in the Children's section and a complete reference/study room. A committee is working on a suggested addition to the back of the building which would be a vast improvement ... however ... don't throw up your hands in horror. We DO REALIZE that the island community is considerably overburdened with current appeals for money at present. We do not know how we would ever come up with about $135,000 to build an addition, so we will not only be looking for ways and means to expand within the present walls, but also some alternative to activating yet another building fund ... eventually. Please bear with us. If you have suggestions that would help we would be most grateful to hear them.

Meanwhile ... we hope to see you all ... in the Library and trust that you will find what you want or need there. Our sincere thanks to all of you who contribute time, interest and money to making the Library valuable to the community.

-- Martha O. Hamilton, Librarian

Chebeague Island Players

In the summer of 1997, the Chebeague Island Players produced a musical extravaganza, the like the Island seldom sees.

This year, it was "An Evening with Lerner and Loewe -- Sort of." Any resemblance to the works of that esteemed musical duo was probably intentional, mostly coincidental, but certainly comical.

Chebeague Island School

Chebeague Island Preschool

The preschool welcomed 3 new pupils to the five "old timers" from last year. We have had a busy year, to say the least. After the first few weeks of getting to know one another and the routine, the children jumped into color recognition, shapes, sponge painting, collage, marble painting, play dough, dress-up, house play and make believe.

We celebrated Halloween by carving jack-o-lanterns (cooking them down to make pumpkin bread) and reading ghost stories. Thanksgiving came with homemade cranberry-orange relish and more books. Next came the holidays, with Christmas ornaments and gifts and Hanukkah and dreidels as well as the popular gingerbread house construction.

The New Year brought Valentine's Day cards for the Islanders. We took time to watch the seasons change, especially how the beach looks in the Fall. We made snowmen both inside and outside the school and watched Easter bring Spring - we made eggshell mosaics and Easter baskets. We also had Pajama Day with the K-6 students when we all came to school in our PJ's to make and eat breakfast together. Though four of the children will move across the hall to Kindergarten, four new students recently came for Step-Up Day.

I can't say enough about the parents of my charges. They make my job easy and I am grateful for all their help and support. In continue to look forward to each school year and am happy to have a small part in the education of your children.

-- Kathy George, Preschool Teacher

Tales from K-2

Mrs. Williams' K-2 class had some exciting "Tales" to tell this year! Our year featured studies of Fairy Tales and Folk Tales. We began by learning about wolves (we now know that they are anything but big and bad!) and studying the tales that feature wolves. Upon learning of the plight of the wolves in Yellowstone National Park, students used their new role as "Wolf Expert" to write to the President and our Senators and Congressmen about the important reasons for saving the wolves of Yellowstone.

Our Cinderella study covered 16 countries and more than twenty versions of this famous fairy tale, with students writing their own original versions to add to the list. A Fairy Tale study would not be complete without a look at castles and Medieval Times, complete with a student "Medieval Faire" in March to celebrate their learning.

We capped off our busy year with a two-month study of the "porquoi" tales of Africa. Students wrote their own original "why" stories and performed them in the oral tradition of Africa at our "Celebration of Africa" in June. Some of the titles included:

"Why Cheetahs Run Fast," by John Summa (2), Britny Bernier (2) and Anna Maine (K)

"Why Elephants are Fat," by Conrad Birkett (K) and Denis Johnson (2)

"Why Zebras Have Stripes," by Emilia Taliento (2), Arianna Stefanilo (1) and Christy Phipps (K)

"Why Cheetahs Run Fast," by George Birkett (2), Josh Doughty (2) and Alissa Hamilton (K)

"Why the Blue-Eared Starling Looks the Way it Does," by Tyler Weagle (2), Lida Munroe (2) and Darya Johnson (1)

Students also performed traditional African dances, songs and rhythm pieces for a crowd of proud parents and community members.

The addition of Mrs. Kathy George as our assistant (along with her wonderful collection of children's books), as well as our continually fabulous, seemingly tireless parent volunteers, created a wonderful year with lots of stories to tell. We are all incredibly proud of our K-2 students and their efforts!

-- Susan V. Williams, K-2 Teacher

3rd - 6th Grades, 1997 -1998, A Year of Learning

This year has been fun. We have learned a lot of things ranging from inventors to architecture.

In the beginning of the year we learned how to construct a house. We found out that there was a lot of math involved in architecture. The class was split into two groups. Each group designed, and created their own house.

In the second trimester we studied great inventors. They all created things that impacted life in the Twentieth Century. The inventions included the car, penicillin, the airplane, blue jeans, steamboat, T.V., Morse Code and the telescope. Ms. Ouellette also read a book about Thomas Edison to us.

The third trimester has been interesting. We learned about the Mayan culture while reading the book The Corn Grows Ripe, by Dorothy Rhoads. We also completed a unit on the second voyage of the Mimi. Mimi was a fictional story which helped us learn more about the Mayan culture. In addition we also learned about coral reefs, scuba diving, air pressure, scorpions, and the environment in a tropical rain forest. Wow! that unit covered a lot!

Most of the math we covered in the third trimester was related to graphing in one form or another. Science was interesting. Instead of studying inventors we became the inventors and learned how to use the scientific method. We had a wide range of inventions, from cat toys to bait boxes.

-- Christopher McCollom

Chebeague Island Transfer Station

The year 1997 was another busy one at the Transfer Station. Eleven thousand one hundred twenty six vehicle trips brought household trash to the facility. No record is kept of those using the brush dump or the building debris and waste metal containers.

Again in 1997 our "Bulky Waste Weekend" was a great success. Where does it all come from? Maybe during 1998 we will see a lessening of the amount. One would think that there has to be and end sometime.

-- Mickey Hanmer

Chebeague Island Yacht Club

The summer of 1997 was another active one for the CIYC. Races were held nearly every weekend. Two of these race days included picnics at Crow Island and at Bates Island. A third picnic was held on Little Chebeague. The gathering wasn't large, but those of us who attended had a wonderful time watching the sailboats struggling in a heavy N.W. wind between Little Chebeague and Long Island.

For the past several years the CIYC has tried to include more members in social events as well as the racing program. One of the ways in which we have done this is to schedule a couple of "Power Nights" during the summer. In 1997 we had great fun going out to dinner at Handy Boat and at the Spar on Long Island.

We also had two post-business meeting get-togethers at the home of Commodore John Ash. His porch with a view was enjoyed by all.

As of August 1997 the CIYC had 170 members. We would like to invite others to join our club and to participate in its activities. We still dream of a clubhouse and a facility for the Sailing School and welcome any ideas or contributions towards that goal.

Trophy winners for the 1997 racing season were as follows:

Small boat:

1st Kitty Freeman

2nd Jamie Freeman

3rd Sarah Corson

Bates Island:

1st Reggie Babcock

2nd Jane Frizzell

3rd David Burgess/Bill Boyce

Shattuck Cup:

1st Adam Rothchild

2nd Jane Frizzell

3rd Reggie Babcock

Ocean Race:

1st Jane Frizzell

2nd David Burgess/Bill Boyce

3rd Ralph Ragan

Round Island:

1st Jane Frizzell

2nd Adam Rothchild

3rd Ralph Ragan


1st Jane Frizzell

2nd David Burgess/Bill Boyce

3rd Reggie Babcock

Large Boat:

1st Jane Frizzell

2nd David Burgess/Bill Boyce

3rd Adam Rothchild

Bungle Trophy:

John Ash

CIYC officers for 1998 are:

Commodore: Tom Rothchild

Vice Commodore: Jane Frizzell

Rear Commodore: Reggie Babcock

Fleet Captain: Jeff Hahn

Secretary: Linda Babcock

Treasurer: Maricel Hahn

Other officers include:

Race Committee Chair: David Burgess (pro tem)

Sailing School President: John Ash

Sailing School Director: Karen Larson

Membership Chair: Kitty Freeman

Please feel free to contact any of us if you have questions regarding the CIYC.

-- Jane Frizzell, Vice Commodore

Chebeague Piecemakers

The Chebeague Piecemakers had a sociable, sometimes serious, often hilarious, and productive year of quilting. We meet all day on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month in the winter and on the second Tuesday during the summer. The Hall welcomes us with its smooth new floor, large tables and well-equipped kitchen for festive dinners.

On a rainy day last August, in a burst of proud splendor, we had a quilt show at the Church and Parish House. The $300 that was raised was given to the Church and the Hall. We assembled quilts we had made since our beginnings in the early 1990s, as well as antique quilts lent by various non-piecemakers. Every surface in the Church was covered. All the pews, the altar rails, the lectern, the balcony railing and the walls were ablaze with color and pattern. In the Parish House refreshments were provided and chances were sold on a quilt raffle to benefit the Hall.

Jeanette Hamilton made and contributed the quilt -- "migrating geese" in various shades of blue. The drawing for it was held at the Columbus Day dinner at the Hall. It was won by a woman from Rhode Island who visited Chebeague for just a day. So you see how our quilts can go far afield.

Throughout the fall quilters made squares for a "sampler" quilt to be raffled this coming fall to benefit the Recreation Center. Nancy Hill organized the effort, choosing the blue and yellow fabrics that are common to all the squares, assembling the finished squares and quilting them. The picture shows the result and lists the contributors who included all the active Piecemakers and several of their daughters.

Both last spring and this, we used our collective resources to take a trip to Keepsake Quilting in Center Harbor, New Hampshire. This year we brought with us several sets of antique squares given to us by Martha Hamilton. At Keepsake we matched them with period fabrics for sashing and backing. During the coming year we will assemble them for additional fund-raising quilts.

We welcome new members, both for summer and year round. We have a substantial collection of books on quilting, as well as cutting and ironing boards and even an extra sewing machine for anyone who happens to need one on quilting day.

-- Beth Howe

Pictured below, with the collective project quilt to support the CRC, left to right, Louise Doughty, Joan Robinson, Sylvia Ross, Nancy Hill, Jeanette Hamilton, Jane Abrahamson, Donna Damon, Beth Howe, Jane Harrington, Beverly Dyer, Ruth Houghton, and Suzanne Jackson. (Not present: Peggie Jones, Joyce Souchek, Nancy Adams, Lola Armstrong. Snowbirds: Audrey Collins, Nancy Sharpe, Karen Corson).

Chebeague Post Office

We at the Chebeague Post Office would like to thank all our winter and summer patrons for their support with purchasing of your postal supplies at the Island Post Office. As you are aware, we not only sell stamps but also have a

vast supply of postal items such as tee shirts, hats, ties, pens and necklaces just to name a few.

For your information, stating June 19th until Labor Day, our incoming mail will arrive on the Island at approximately 9:30 am. Therefore you will be receiving your mail earlier than usual and any mail going off island needs to be at the Post Office by 1:00 pm Monday through Friday. Saturday will remain the same hours of dispatch as they are now. The mail arrives on the Island at 8:15 am and any mail going off the Island needs to be at the Post Office by 11:30 am.

Post Office Hours:

Monday through Friday:

Lobby- 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Window- 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


8:00 am to Noon

-- Gina Ross

Chebeague Recreation Center

The past year has been one of remarkable growth for the CRC. Construction of the facility began in August 1997 with Thaxter Company as the contractor and Robert White and Dick Phipps as our volunteer building coordinators. Islanders watched the building take shape over the fall and winter, while the CRC Board and committees worked hard to hire staff, create policies, design programs, secure equipment, plan fundraising activities, and complete the myriad of tasks required for an undertaking of this magnitude. Construction of the pool began in the fall, but a November snowstorm put the project on hold until spring. Beth Dyer was hired as part-time Executive Director in late November and Lori McDonald was hired as full-time Director in January.

The CRC includes a half-court gymnasium (with a hardwood floor on par with the pro-basketball courts, which we bought for half-price), a Teen Center, a Craft Room (also used for education and training), a Fitness Room, locker rooms, and an office. Outside are an all-weather tennis/basketball court completed in 1996, as well as a full-sized heated pool and detached kiddies pool.

The doors opened on February 28, 1998. More than 200 people toured the near-million dollar facility and enjoyed a free lunch on the beautiful spring-like day. Over 90% of the community contributed more than $550,000 to the project. In-kind donations valued at over $350,000 ranged from tree cutting and fundraising to washing floors. In-kind donations also included excavators, surveyors, engineers, architects, lawyers, accountants, contractors, barge operators, plumbers, and carpenters who donated countless professional services, while other dedicated volunteers spent hours upon hours in committee work and completing the endless other jobs that had to be done! Equipment and materials have also been donated. All of this was orchestrated by the CRC organizing committee that consists of about 30 dedicated individuals. Leading the way has been the original Board of Directors with Eldon Mayer, President; Gail Miller, Vice-President; Glenn Kersteen, Treasurer; Robert Putnam, Secretary; Carol White, Jon KomLosy, and Jim Van Fleet. Chebeague Recreation Center has followed the lead of other island institutions such as the Chebeague Island Library, CIHCC, and CCR and is another shining example of what Chebeaguers can accomplish when they put their minds to it!

Although the town of Cumberland did not contribute to the capital costs of the project, it has become a partner in the operation of the recreation complex. Through an agreement with the CRC, all Town of Cumberland Recreation and Adult Education programs, which take place on Chebeague, are being administered by the CRC. In return, the Town of Cumberland contributes toward the CRC program operating costs. MSAD 51 leases space at the CRC to hold various activities including swimming lessons, but provides its own staff.

The CRC decided to implement a pass system for people who wish it. We started out on a pay-per-program basis, but found many families asking about passes. Passes are not required to use the CRC, but may be financially advantageous and convenient for some people. Pay-per-program will always be an option. In addition, there are many times set aside when all aspects of the facility can be used for free, and teens are never charged to use the Teen Center except for special events. If you have questions about program costs or the pass system please call Beth or Lori at the CRC.

Since the opening, CRC has been a beehive of activity. The school children are exuberant when they hold Friday morning physical education classes in a real gym for the first time ever. Children of all ages are enjoying Open Gym times when they can play informally. The early-release Wednesday program has been a popular one with the kids. Young artists are producing creative works from the arts and crafts programs. Teens are enjoying having a place to go to socialize, play video games, use computers, watch TV on a 32-inch screen, play a game of pool or ping pong or just hang out.

We are pleased to have volunteer instructors teaching many of our classes. This allows us to keep costs down and encourage islanders to share their many talents. Bev Johnson's tumbling classes are drawing big crowds of enthusiastic jump ropers and aspiring gymnasts. Doug Ross has run two basketball clinics for kids who are already making plans to play for Greely and they are only six! Gail Miller is coaching baseball.

Adults are enjoying their programs too. Beth Dyer's adult fitness class has many enthusiastic exercisers, and the fitness room has a loyal following. The over and under 30 basketball crowds have been having some great pick-up games. Wednesday night volleyball has a dedicated following of fun-loving players. One volleyball player remarked, "it's great to go out, have some fun, and be able to drive home in 5 minutes!" Deborah Gordon taught a well-attended vegetarian cooking class. Joe Partlow and Herb Maine each taught a computer instruction course.

On Sundays, families come together to play sports in the Gym, play games in the Teen Center, and make art projects in the Craft Room as part of the Family Day program. In short, the CRC is a place for the community to gather, play and grow together.

We've come far, but have far to go. This year will be one of trial and error, learning and growing. We enter into our first summer with high hopes and enthusiasm, and we welcome any ideas, suggestions, donations, and of course, volunteers!

-- Beth Dyer, Executive Director

Chebeague Transportation Company

The Board of Directors thanks our stockholders who attended the CTC Annual Meeting in 1997, personally or by proxy. We appreciate our stockholders' questions, suggestions and support and continue to work to maintain and improve our service mindful of that feedback.

Re-elected to seats on the Board of Directors were Ian Brown, Tom Calder, Dale Morlock ,and Gina Ross. Glenn Kersteen was also re-elected as Clerk of the Corporation.

The election of CTC officers was held at the Directors' meeting which followed the Annual Meeting. Ian Brown was elected President; Mark Dyer and Ben Prescott were elected First and Second Vice Presidents respectively; Ruth Houghton was elected Secretary, and Glenn Kersteen was elected as Treasurer. The Board, on behalf of CTC, extended our deep gratitude to Ben Prescott for his two years of dedicated and outstanding service as CTC's president. We also thanked Ben for his many hours of service as CTC's representative on the Chebeague/Cousins Transportation Resolution Team (CCTRT).

With the exception of children's fares, passenger fares remained the same as they were in 1993. In an effort to parallel the adult fare structure, children's fares were divided into Full-Fare Child ($1.00 one way) and Stockholder Child ($0.75 one way - available through the purchase of a book of twenty Stockholder Child for $15.00).

The company also adopted a barge rate system which did away with the distinction between peak and off-peak seasons and mandatory round trip tickets. Automobiles and pick-up trucks are now carried for $50 one-way and $85 round-trip, regardless of time of year. Vehicles transported to Chebeague before April 1, 1992 and able to run will continue to be grandfathered and eligible for transport to the mainland at no cost. Vehicles brought to Chebeague under the old round-trip rate will transported to the mainland at no additional cost. Vehicles that came to the island one-way and are being transported to the mainland for the immediate purpose of permanent junking will be carried for $10.

The barge schedule also provides that one-ton pick-up trucks will be transported round-trip for $100, subject to the same rules and restrictions as for smaller pick-up trucks. The regular rate for such vehicles is now $125 one-way and $200 round-trip.

Last year, we began experimenting with selling passenger tickets aboard the bus and in the Blanchard Parking Lot in an effort to "streamline" the ticketing process, especially during busy summer days. This practice was well received by our passengers and will continue this year.

To reflect the increasing value of the Company, common stock will sell for $50 a share, effective May I, 1998.

The Islander's maneuverability in windy conditions was improved with the installation of a bow thruster. Our new bus was brought into service for Memorial Day and was met with a warm reception from Drowne Road parkers. The new barge pushboat, the Dovekie, is ready to replace the aging Chesuncook. The old, leaky office trailer in the Blanchard Parking Lot has been replaced with a new edifice. Finally, we are establishing a Company office on the second floor of the "Nellie G" building on the Island.

Our parking problems are obvious. The Blanchard Parking Lot is operating very close to capacity. Last year, we found it necessary to run the bus to the Drowne Road Parking Lot through the New Year's weekend. This year, we began operating the bus to Drowne Road again in mid-April. As there has been some disruption to the Drowne Road Lot due to the reconversion of the town office building back to an operating school building, we appreciate your patience during this transition.

It is abundantly clear that we need to secure a permanent mainland landing and parking facility that meets our operational and economic needs. Early in 1998, the Maine Department of Transportation determined that the proposal for a landing be developed at the shore of the CMP property on Cousins Island was unacceptable for economic and environmental reasons. At this time, work is underway, with the Towns of Cumberland and Yarmouth and MDOT, to identify alternatives for improving the current facilities on Cousins Island. The Chebeague Transportation Company continues to be committed to the goal of achieving a permanent facility that is appropriate for Chebeague Island.

Once again, at the Annual CTC Stockholder Meeting in July, we will offer a book of ten green "guest" tickets for the $24 price of a stockholder book (a $21 savings). There is a limit of one book per stockholder. This is intended to be an incentive for our stockholders to attend the Annual Meeting. Anyone may use the "guest" tickets.

Every year, we appeal to our passengers to help us manage travel requirements during busy times. We ask that anyone planning a wedding or other large function, that will involve travel with the CTC, let us know so that we may plan accordingly. If there are more passengers than our boat or bus will accommodate, boarding preference will be given to CTC stockholders. However, if we are expecting a large number of passengers, we will schedule a second bus where possible.

This year, CTC is losing several members of the Board of Directors, Jane Frizzell, Dale Morlock and Claire Ross, who have contributed much to the Company during their terms. Also, CTC's Administrative Director for the last seven years, David Hill, has decided to move on to other challenges after guiding and supporting our operation during those many years, and we thank him for his stewardship.

Thanks are also due the many others who work continuously throughout the year providing our transportation service and to the past directors who have helped to make our company the success it is today..


Don Blanchard

Don Buxbaum

Dianne Calder

Bruce Doyle

Don Fish

Karen Hamilton

David Hill

Darren Hillicoss

Claire Ross

David McMackin

Jim Millinger

Kim Munroe

Jim Murray

Bill Putnam

Alnah Robinson

Lindy Smith

Horace Stinson

Louise Todd1997-1998 CTC Board of Directors:

Ian Brown

Thomas Calder

Donna Colbeth

Mark Dyer

Jane Frizzell

Ruth Houghton

Glenn Kersteen

Dale Morlock

Ben Prescott (P)

Gina Ross

Claire Ross

David Stevens (P)Past Directors:

E. Abrahamson (P)

Clifford Barker

Robert Brown

Richard Calder

Barton Curit (P)

Douglas Damon

Bob Estabrook (P)

Robert Habig

David Hill

Bev Johnson (P)

Jim KomLosy (P)

Clifford Leonard

George Leonard (P)

Dick MacCormack

Fred Martindale

David Miller

Edward Morse

Chris Nyhan

Robert Putnam

Shelby Putnam (P)

Felix Repetto (P)

Malcolm Rice

H. Richardson

Bruce Riddle

Lewis Ross

C. Sheketoff (P)

Donald Souchek

Henry Steinfeld

Andrew Todd (P)

Gordon Trower

Sally Tubbesing

Gary Varney

Bruce Verrill (P)

Harland Webber

Elisabeth Weiss

Nils Wessell (P)

Robert Wheldon

Edward White

Robert White -- Ian Brown, President

(P) Signifies past president

Annual Craft Sale

Any one with original designs or hand made items for sale is welcome to come and take a table or floor space at the Annual Craft Sale at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center on Saturday July 25th, 1998 from 10 am to 1 pm. Generally a table or space costs $4.00, but it depends on how many exhibitors there are and the going rate for renting the Hall. Please let me know if you plan to participate. Thank you.

-- Martha Hamilton

Cumberland and Mainland Island Trust

Conservation Easements

1997 was an extremely active time for the Trust. A several-year period of discussions and negotiations culminated with the granting of an extensive conservation easement over the 100-acre Payson Estate on Cumberland Foreside, located between Town Landing Road and Wildwood. According to the terms of the easement, no more than seven additional residences may be constructed on the entire parcel, and a pedestrian pathway over one half mile in length, running parallel to Route 88, will be created for daytime use. Those additional residences which may be constructed shall be built in such a fashion as to be as inconspicuous as possible when viewed both from Route 88 and from Casco Bay. Given the existing minimum lot size under Cumberland's zoning ordinance in that part of town, we believe that capping additional residences at seven will dramatically limit the development potential of the property and will help to control further "sprawl" within Cumberland.

In addition, Daniel and Cindy Bullens Crewe granted a conservation easement on a 21-acre parcel of land located in back of their residence on the Tuttle Road adjacent to the CMP power line. Ownership of this parcel, now designated the Jessie Bullens-Crewe Nature Preserve, has been transferred to the Breakwater School, but the Trust will hold and enforce the easement. While public access is not permitted under the terms of the easement, the property will remain in its current undeveloped state and will be used to help students study science and to learn about habitats, water ecology and other topics.

We expect shortly to acquire ownership in fee of a parcel of land approximately two acres in size located at the entrance of the recently approved

Idlewood subdivision on the Range Road. The parcel includes a large portion of a pond and surrounding wetlands. We will measure and monitor the quality of the water in the pond as construction progresses, in order to make sure that this habitat rich in aquatic life is not seriously impaired or damaged.

The Trust now has a total of 223 acres of "protected" land under its ownership or under conservation easement.

Bates Conservation Award

In 1996 the Trust announced the establishment of the BATES CONSERVATION AWARD to be given annually to the individual, organization, or business that has contributed to the cause of conservation within the town of Cumberland. The 1997 award was presented jointly to Cumberland Troop 58, Boy Scouts of America, and to the Cumberland Town Forest Board for their co-operative effort in establishing the Ernest A. Rand Nature Trail.


The Trust is a publicly supported, private, non-profit organization. Its programs and funding are solely dependent upon the volunteer efforts and the membership contributions of the public. We were pleased that in 1997 our membership more than doubled to over 180 families.


The trust continues to publish a semi-annual newsletter (spring and fall) about trust programs and has made it available to other town organizations that wish to include information pertaining to conservation efforts.


There are several other conservation "irons in the fire" at this time, and 1998 promises to be a busy and challenging year for the Trust. If you wish to help with our programs or to stay abreast of current developments, please feel to contact any member of the Board of Directors at any time.

-- Steve Moriarty, President

From your Cumberland Town Councilor

During 1997, my attention, and much of the attention of the Cumberland Town Council, was devoted to the problem of securing a long-term solution to the mainland access problem facing Chebeague upon the expiration of both the current agreement between the towns of Cumberland and Yarmouth regarding the use of the wharf, and the Blanchard Parking Lot Lease. Early in 1997 the Maine Department of Transportation ("DOT") sponsored Chebeague Cousins Transportation Resolution Team ("CCTRT") recommended that a permanent ferry landing facility be constructed by DOT on the Spruce Point side of the Wyman Station Power Plant on Cousins Island. DOT spent most of 1997 considering this recommendation and advised Representatives of both the Cumberland and Yarmouth Town Councils in a December 1997 meeting that DOT did not believe the recommendation was viable both from cost and environmental perspectives. This conclusion was not made public until April of 1998 at the request of the Town of Yarmouth which asked DOT to conduct further analysis during the early months of 1998 in order to make certain that the environmental difficulties faced at the proposed CMP site could not be overcome. Unfortunately, notwithstanding the significant advantages that increased land area at CMP would have for meeting Chebeague's parking needs for the indefinite future, DOT continues to be of the view that the site is not practical due to difficulties with environmental permitting and associated costs. The town continues to work with DOT and Yarmouth to work out a mutually acceptable, permanent solution.

In June of 1997, John Lambert was elected Chairman of the Cumberland Town Council and identified Chebeague's mainland access problem as the top priority for the Town of Cumberland. Since June of 1997, Representatives of the Town of Cumberland have had regular meetings with DOT staff in an effort to focus the DOT's attention on this vital issue for Chebeague as one of Maine's few surviving year-round island communities. Also, Gary Varney, Ben Prescott, Steve, and Ann Holt Thaxter and I continue to meet with our counterparts from Yarmouth and Casco Bay Lines on the CCTRT.

Also, during 1997, the Town Council adopted new ordinances affecting the use of the Stone Wharf and the town parking area and float adjacent to the state pier at Chandler's Cove. New signage and striping at the Stone Wharf implementing the new ordinance was established in the spring of 1998.

In addition to transportation, other essential municipal services provided by the Town on Chebeague have also received attention. During 1997, additional funding was provided for fire equipment on the island. Also, the cost of rescue services has been analyzed by the Town Manager and the Rescue Department Chief. The Town has developed a proposal by which user fees could be charged for rescue services and the Town Council anticipates dealing with this issue in 1998.

1997 marked the implementation of the municipal property tax revaluation by the Town of Cumberland. The process for a town-wide revaluation was begun in 1996 and property owners received notices of changes in the municipal evaluation of their property in July of 1997. These notices were the subject of considerable controversy because the process of municipal revaluation had not been done since the mid-1980s and coastal property values rose considerably during the intervening ten years. The increase in coastal property values affected Chebeague and the Cumberland Foreside dramatically, increasing the proportion of the municipal tax base borne by coastal property owners as compared with inland valuations which remained relatively constant during the 10-year period.

During 1997, the Town of Cumberland assisted in a couple of significant Chebeague Island projects sponsored by Island organizations. The town agreed to subordinate its ground lease for the land on which the Chebeague Recreation Center has been built in order to enable CRC to obtain financing until additional capital funds are raised to pay for the construction of the Recreation Center. Also, the Town sponsored a community development block grant for Chebeague Care Resource in order to assist it to develop the Island Commons Adult Family Care Home. While the 1997 grant was not funded, the Town has again sponsored CCR for a 1998 CDBG Grant application.

Finally, perhaps the single most irritating issue on Chebeague during 1997 involved the Browntail Moth. While the Town of Cumberland did not undertake a spraying program during 1997, wide-spread community effort supporting such a spray program finally resulted in municipal spraying in the spring of 1998.

-- Jim Phipps, Councilor

Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library exists to support the Chebeague Library. The Library is a voluntary, non-profit organization. While it receives money from the Town of Cumberland for salaries and building maintenance, it has to raise money itself for purchase of books and other materials. Friends does some of this fund-raising. It costs as little as $5 for a family to belong to Friends. All dues, as well as proceeds from other productions of the Friends such as the Chebeague Telephone Directory, go to support the Library. The 1997 Spring membership drive enrolled 143 families and raised $4195.

Friends held two entertaining events last summer. One was a very informative and entertaining book appraisal session by Frank Wood of DeWolfe and Wood Antiquarian Books of Alfred, Maine. He appraised the books we brought in and gave us interesting and somewhat counter-intuitive insights about what makes for market value in old books. I think most of us were surprised to learn that our carefully treasured antique sets of leather bound volumes of Shakespeare. Dickens or Thackeray that had belonged to our grandparents were probably of more value "by the yard" to decorators than they were to book collectors. But if you happen to have old Dick and Jane textbooks or Little Golden Books gathering dust in your attic, you may find you have a small gold mine.

The other Friends "do" was a mystery-theme Literary Ball at the Inn, with dancing and desserts. It began with a children's parade and judging of costumes. Herb Maine had assembled a group of friends including Jon KomLosy, and they played wonderful dance music until the last boat. An "interlude" was provided by the arrival of Madame Mirella Splatova the celebrity ballerina (Barbara Marks), her companion, The Baron (Mac Passano), and her retinue of admirers (Rachel Damon). During the hubbub, The Baron was murdered (by a poisoned mushroom). Despite her grief Mme Splatova insisted on going through with her world-famous solo "The Dance of the Brown tail Moth", accompanied on the piano by Kate Nyhan. In the middle of her solo she, too, was exterminated by the murderess (Beth Howe), who had been maddened by the incessant brown tail itching. As chaos threatened to engulf the gathering, the murderess was arrested and dragged away by the alert Inspector and his trusty assistant (B.J. Abrahamson and Tom Rothchild) and the guests were free to enjoy the desserts and the judging of the adult costumes.

From the point of view of the Friends' serious purpose, both of these events were more social than fundraising functions. However, this spring, in addition to this year's membership mailing, the Friends have been preparing the biannual Telephone Directory which is a significant source of revenue for the Library.

Finally, this year the first generation of officers of Friends have begun to give their tasks to other volunteers. Jeanne Layng ceded her duties as Summer Secretary to Winter Secretary Ann Belesca. Cynnie Sheketoff passed her job as Membership Chair on to Beth Howe and Laura Summa.

So, Friends encourages you to use the Library, become a member of Friends if you are not, maybe even work as a volunteer for Friends, and buy the Telephone Book for every phone in your house(s)!

-- Beth Howe, Chair

Great Chebeague Golf Club

The Golf Club had an excellent year. Thanks to Bob Jones and his crew the course was in very good, playable condition for the entire summer. We did have some dry spells so that portions of the course baked out, but the putting surfaces of the greens were lush emerald.

In the juniors' program we had another terrific year. During the summer we had nearly one hundred children involved. I am pleased to relate that 16 of them were islanders. Wouldn't it be wonderful if through this program in a few years, one of them became club champ? Linda White and her small army of volunteers deserve much credit for the success. The junior champion for last year was J. Leighton and the winner of the new Wheldon-Buxbaum trophy was Tyler Fasanella.

The Golf Club is pleased to announce the winners of last fall's Blanchard golf tournament held September 28th. There were a total of 22 entries. The weather was superb. On the distaff side Eleanor Morse had the low gross and closest to the pin. Kathy McCollom the low net. Marlene Bowen the longest drive and Dale Morlock, who had only played once before in her life came in with high gross and second low net. For the men, Bob Jones had the best round with an 83, Jarrod Smith came in with low net and also had the longest drive, Ryan Ross was closest to the pin and Geoff Summa took the prize for the highest gross score. Following the exhilarating afternoon of golf, there was a social hour. It was the opinion that the Blanchard Tournament for 1998 should be held again on a Sunday afternoon. Islanders - mark your calendars for Sunday, August 30th. We hope to have an even larger turnout this year. The reason for the change from September to August? Lobstermen cannot pull traps on Sundays in August and we understand there are several good golfers among the group.

The Club hailed two golf champions. For the ladies, Joan Layng Dayton (who won her first 40 years ago) and for the men, Andrew Layng at the tender age of 16. Both our champions have golf swings to envy.

The club house was again the bright spot of the island for the Christmas holiday, with the house and flag pole outlined with blazing lights. What a nice way to end the season.

We look forward to seeing many of you on the course next summer.

-- Russ Hunter, President

Great Chebeague Tennis Club

Last year, the 25th of the club's existence, marked a turning point. We employed for the first time a Court Keeper and Instructor (Ms Kimberly Bogle) and intend to do so in the future. The courts and stands were spruced up with paint, new nets and benches. Brooms are now left out during the day so that members may sweep the courts before play if they wish.

The GCTC wants to publicize to non-members that their children (12 and under) may buy summer memberships for only $10, enabling them to sign up ahead of time (after 8 am the previous day) for the 12 to 2 pm hours, and to sign up at will as courts are available.

For non-members not playing with members the court fees have been raised to a flat $10 an hour, singles or doubles (two persons or four persons pay $10 per hour total).

We shall hold our adult round robins on July 8th and August 5th. We may hold a junior round robin if we develop the clinics as suggested last year.

Two new rules last year that seemed to go smoothly so far: members may sign guests for two hours of doubles during the week, i.e., Sunday noon through Thursday; and members may sign for two hours of singles during the week.

We much enjoyed our 25th Anniversary party last August held at the Island Hall, an occasion that honored our retiring treasurer Henry Hubbell, director Bill Swann, the late Bill Hodge and David Perkins, whom we lost not long afterward. The example of these gentlemen points to a simple lesson: all members and guests need to take responsibility for the well-being of the courts and club, with or without a Court Keeper.

Annual meeting, August 12th.

Ladies Aid

The Chebeague Ladies Aid have had another busy year! Both our annual summer and Christmas fairs went well and were well attended.

Aid members and fair helpers enjoyed their annual outing in September at New Meadows Inn.

Our big aim is to support the church but we also donate to many other organizations. We give to United Way, Red Cross, Salvation Army, CCR, Rec Center, Camp Waban and First Radio Parish to mention a few.

It's great to feel we help out in our community and have a good time doing it! New members are always welcome and our dues remain just one dollar a year!

-- Victoria Smith, Secretary

Marge Thompson Retires from CTC Driving

After many, many years of faithful service Marge Thompson as retired as bus driver for CTC. It certainly was a shock to the company when she announced her decision. We thought (well, we had hoped anyway) that like time, Marge was going to be with us forever. It was just so much easier that way!

I do not believe that anyone in the company has ever received a complaint from a customer about Marge. On the contrary, letters of satisfaction and many phone calls plus word-of-mouth messages have been heard over the years about our faithful employee. She always placed the customer first. How many times have you all seen her stacked up with suitcases, boxes and bags on top, toting the goods down the ramp at Cousins along with all the riders. Side by side was her policy, always.

When Marge received a bonus from the Company at Christmas her thank you usually said: "it is such a joy to work with all the summer folk year after year and I can't imagine doing anything else ... well maybe the Bahamas!"

Marge is "one of a kind" and believe me we all know it. Her shoes are going to be mighty hard to fill. The Company has been fortunate to hire Bruce Doyle in the overall planning capacity handling bus driver schedules, overflow crowds for weddings and filling in for an absent driver at the very last minute. Oh yes, that has happened a few times and no matter what she was doing Marge always responded with, "I'll be right there as soon as I can get to Drowne Road". Bruce will be ably assisted by drivers Jim, Dave and Don.

Marge continues to drive school buses for SAD 51 and I am sure keeps very busy with her mom who has medical problems, and enjoys spending more time with her husband Wayne.

We as a company and we as a community say "thank you, Marge", for the empathy and loyalty you have shown us all.

-- Dianne Calder


Thanks to the efforts of our faithful volunteers, the Meals-on-Wheels program is working very well on Chebeague. At the present time, we have four to five recipients. Meals are sent up once a week on Thursday from Saco by the Southern Maine Area on Aging (SMAA), via the Casco Bay Line, and arrive on Chebeague at the Chandlers Cove wharf between 11 and 11:30 a.m..

Volunteers - Bertha Gray, Marjorie Rice, Joan Robinson and Alice Bowman - pick up the meals in coolers, sort them into individual bags and deliver them. The meals are frozen in microwavable containers with bread and milk for each meal. Margery Howard also volunteers during the spring and summer months which is very helpful on a 5th Thursday or to fill in for our regular volunteers. Thanks also to Fran Calder who steps in at the last minute when we have a change in schedule.

I coordinate the program with people from the SMAA at the meal sites in Saco, Falmouth or Yarmouth.

Recipients should be 60 years of age or older and somewhat housebound or have a need for this service for health reasons. It is suggested that where there is the ability to do so, a contribution could be made to the SMAA. If you need the meals-on-wheels or know of someone who might, please call me at (207) 846-4252.

-- Ann L. Belesca

Recompense Foundation

The Recompense Foundation is a private foundation established in December, 1991 to engage exclusively in activities for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for the purposes of devoting and applying the funds of the foundation (a) for the maintenance, preservation, conservation and beautification of Chebeague Island, (b) for the relief of the poor, needy, distressed and underprivileged residents of Chebeague Island, including providing funds to tax-exempt, charitable organizations which provide food, shelter and clothing, or basic services to such residents, and providing funds to individuals and families living on Chebeague Island who are unable to meet the costs of basic medical health, nutritional and educational needs, and © for charitable religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes.

The business affairs of The Recompense Foundation are conducted and managed by its Board of Directors -- Glenn S. Kersteen, Executive Director; Eldon C. Mayer, Jr., Treasurer and Secretary; Joyce Souchek, Director; Gail Miller, Director; Lewis Ross, Director; Roy Jackson, Director; Jonathan KomLosy, Director. During 1997, The Recompense Foundation supported the following charitable activities: A contribution of $16,000 was made to the Chebeague Recreation Center. A contribution of $2,000 was made to Chebeague Care Resources. Finally, $1,229 was contributed to Chebeague Island in support of its island beautification program. The Foundation also contributed $1,000 for the youth mountain adventures program for Chebeague youngsters through the Cumberland Recreation Department.

A summary of the financial condition of the Foundation is presented below. The market value of cash and securities is $156,999.

Balance Sheet as of 12/31/97

Cash $ 21,726

Marketable securities 156,999

Total assets $178,725

Foundation equity $178,725

Statement of Revenues and Expenses

Year Ended 12/31/97

Contributions $ 5,000

Investment income 44,772

Total income 49,772

Professional fees 50

Taxes and fees 50

Charitable contributions 20,229

Total expenses 20,329

Excess of revenues over expenses $ 29,443

The annual tax return (Form 990-PF) of the Foundation is available for inspection during normal business hours by any citizen who requests inspection within 180 days by contacting Glenn S. Kersteen, Executive Director, 20 Long Creek Drive, South Portland, Maine (773-2986).

-- Glenn Kersteen, Executive Director

Sanford's Pond

As always, Sanford's Pond was the highlight of winter for children and adults alike. Unfortunately, we only had 18 days of skating. The first skate was December 23rd and the last was February 28th - the shortest season yet. Sanford as always worked hard all year on his bottle drive and maintaining the pond. We who love the sport of skating and the pleasure of the sound of happy children thank Sanford and Mabel for being who they are. It may have been a short season, but it was a successful one for sure!

-- Frankie Doughty

School Reunion

The Chebeague School reunion held in June, 1997 appeared to be enjoyed by all who attended. The consensus seemed to be that it should happen more often. Although I said I thought that would be my last effort to organize one of these affairs, I would like to suggest that all of the attendees of school on Chebeague consider holding/attending a reunion luncheon in the fall, annually.

However I want to hear some feed back before I do any planning, or look for ways and means, or whatever. Don't be afraid that you will have to work at it if you say you think it's a good idea. But, LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

Time is fleeting, friends and familiar faces are disappearing. We should make the most of the opportunities to share great memories together. Write or call me at Box 511, (207) 846-4078, or email:

-- Martha Hamilton

Saving Raymond's Boat

On May 13, 1998, 86-year-old Raymond Hamilton's boat disappeared from its mooring off the back shore of the East End of Chebeague. After two weeks of worrying and searching, Ray found his boat on May 27 on the ledges of Little Whaleboat Island. The Nissan 25 hp outboard motor was still missing.

Stephen Johnson's Osprey carried a rescue party out to the ledges to retrieve Ray's boat, which had sustained little damage. It had come to rest, coincidentally enough, next to an osprey's nest, the resident of which was temporarily disturbed by the unaccustomed activity near his home.

Shown below carrying the boat on its trip home to Chebeague are (left to right) Ernie Burgess, Ray Hamilton, David Miller, Mike Robinson, Wilbert Munroe, Steve Johnson, Michael Porter, Mark Olsen, and Wink Houghton, Jr. Beverly Johnson took the picture.

-- David R. Hill

Sidney Snake's Summer Adventure

Once upon a time, there lived a small green snake named Sidney Mansfield who lived in the old rusty car in Jason Hamilton's backyard. Sidney had a special dream. He wanted to play a game of golf. He had heard about the lovely green golf course from his friend Bertha Bunny, whose own special dream had been to be in the 4th of July parade and one year got to ride in the fire truck with Tommy Calder. Anyway, Bertha had told Sidney about the golf course way up near the East End of the Island and he wanted so much to go see it and to hit a golf ball. But, he was afraid he could never make it all the way up the road without being hit by a car and he was afraid if he went through the woods, he might get lost.

Sidney was sunning himself on a big warm rock one summer day thinking about absolutely nothing when he suddenly heard an engine start. Sidney, always alert to motor sounds, looked around quickly and couldn't believe his eyes! There was Lewis Ross putting his golf clubs in the back of his golf cart. Suddenly, Sidney had an idea. If he could just get into that golf cart somehow, he could get a ride to the golf course! Just then, Gerry yelled something to Lukie (that's what Lewis' grandchildren call him) and Lukie walked back across the road to see what Gerry wanted. The golf cart was still sitting there running. Sidney took off as fast as he could, across the yard, looking both ways as he crossed the street, then through a small hole in the rock wall by Beth's house and stopping by the edge of the shop. Sidney's heart started beating very fast, Lukie was on his way back! It was now or never, this was his big chance and he wanted very much to be brave. Without another thought, he quickly hurried toward the golf cart and in one big leap jumped into Lukie's golf bag. He had no more than settled down between some old beat up golf balls when the cart began to move.

Sidney was so excited, after a while he stuck his head out of the little bag and watched as Lukie drove up the road. He got real excited when they passed the Nellie G Cafe because he knew his friends, Murray and Margaret Walker Mice lived in the cellar and would be so excited to hear about his adventure the next time they visited. Suddenly he could see the golf course. It was so big. Even bigger than he had imagined. Lukie drove up to the big white club house and shut the engine off. Sidney wasn't sure what he should do. Lukie went into the building. Sidney decided to climb out and do a little exploring. First he ran across the grass as fast as he could go. The grass was cut real short and Sidney ran faster than he ever had before. The grass was also soft; he rolled and rolled on it, enjoying getting his back and belly rubbed. Then he rolled right into a white golf ball! In fact, he hurt his head a little when he bumped into it. Sidney looked all around and couldn't see a single person, so maybe someone had lost this ball. Sidney waited a little while longer to see if anyone was going to come hit the ball, but no one was around. Sidney could see a flag on a pole not too far away. He knew that was where the little hole was for the golf ball to go into. Sidney stood up very tall and straightened his body out. He had been practicing at home with a horse chestnut and he knew he could hit the ball if he concentrated. He took careful aim and using his tail, hit the ball into the air. It rolled right up onto the green! Sidney chased the ball and then once again, stood as tall as he could and aimed the ball for the little hole. He was standing on the shortest grass he had seen and it made him a little nervous because he knew people might see him; he could never hide in this grass! Quickly, he hit the golf ball again. He couldn't believe his eyes when the ball rolled into the cup! He had done it, he had played golf. Sidney couldn't wait to tell Bertha.

Suddenly he heard an engine noise and it was coming closer. Lickety-split he moved into the bushes along the side of the grass and poked his head out to see who was coming. It was Lukie with his friend Don Souchek. They drove the golf cart near to Sidney and stopped. Sidney saw Lukie take a club out of the golf cart and hit a ball onto the green. While Don was doing the same thing, Sidney quietly crawled out of the bushes, across the grass and back into the golf bag with the old golf balls. He peeked his head out and watched as Lukie hit his ball into the cup. Lukie was some surprised when he looked down and saw two balls in the hole! Lukie laughed and said he got a double birdie on that hole and picked up Sidney's ball with his own.

Sidney spent the rest of the day riding with Don and Lukie around the golf course. He learned all kind of golfing tips and heard funny stories that Don and Lukie told. When Sidney got a little sleepy he nestled down into the golf balls and took a little nap. When he woke up he looked out and was surprised to see that he was back at the shop by Beth's house. Silently, he crawled out of his little bag, and headed back home.

That night, as Sidney curled up in his little straw nest inside the rusted car, he thought about his day. What an adventure he had had. His dream had come true. He thought about hitting the ball into the hole and how much fun it had all been. Mostly he thought about the next day and how exciting it was going to be. Because Sidney had heard Lukie tell Don that he would meet him tomorrow at ten o'clock to play another golf game and Sidney planned to be there too!

-- Goodnight Miss Alissa, Aunt Kendra loves you.

Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund

To the people who have so generously donated to the Stephen Ross Scholarship this past year, I want to say, "thank you so very much." We now have over $42,000 in invested principal. As has been reported before, our Directors* have voted to use only the interest for scholarship awards. We are obviously not a big player. However, when we recall our first awards were for $50 per graduate, then our award of $1500 this year to Chris Towle is very significant.

During 1997 we received $105 in small gifts - less than $100. Thank you. In gifts of over $100 I would like to thank the following for having the interest and for being so caring: Chebeague Parents Association; Bud Robinson Memorial; Jim Phipps; Jim Leonard; Dick and Marianne Brenton; Allen and Jill Malony; Will and Nancy Sharp; Virginia Schroeder; Island Alumni Banquet.

In these times of major fund raising, I will not appeal for money. I would rather just say that the scholarship is still here, and for those who think the cause is just, remember the address:

The Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund
Route 1, Box 204
Chebeague Island, ME 04017

-- Ken Hamilton

* Directors: Hartley Brewer, Sue Burgess, Dianne Calder, Mabel Doughty, Ken Hamilton, Bill Ross, Doug Ross

United Methodist Church

We celebrate another year of church fellowship with thanksgiving for all the blessings of our congregation. This was the year of the ice storm, which produced a first for several years ... one week, we didn't have any services. We also didn't have any lights, phone or drivable roads! The ice storms were difficult for many, but also an opportunity to work together as a community. Everyone pulled together and watched out for one another, making even a disaster a cause of blessings. Even so, we would just as soon not have any more ice storms.

Our biggest project this year was to repaint the church. We were fortunate to have a very conscientious contractor who did an excellent job for us. We were able to raise the necessary funds with the help of the whole community. As one commentator expressed it, "Looks as good as if we vinyled it." Better, brother, better.

Ladies Aid has met for another year. Our Ladies Aid organization is older than most independent countries in the world, and has been the backbone of our church for parts of two centuries. We are eager for the new century to come so we can say, "Serving church and community for two millennia." You are welcome to their gatherings every Thursday around the noon hour.

The special services for Christmas and Easter were especially well attended, with the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service being the largest. Please join us every Sunday at 10 am for worship, praise and fellowship.

We are a small fellowship far off the main roads, but our service to the community, the state and the world flow out from this small island to everyone who needs to know Christ's compassion and hear His words of healing.

-- Robert Leon, Pastor


Eight years. Close to a decade of singing. No one wants to disband. No matter how disgruntled someone gets about a piece of music, no matter whose nose gets out of joint over a rehearsal or concert schedule, or the fact that there are momentary, well, slightly more than momentary, bouts of exasperation with the director, we can't seem to shake the Whalers. Like it or not, we seem to have become something of an institution. Husbands and loved ones who attend every concert like to joke that we should actually be all committed to one. We pat them and suggest it would be fun there, too.

In the spring we performed a repertoire of obscure and apparently no need to repeat songs (such as "When the Ice Worms Nest Again") and again, in our summertime concert, we knocked them dead with "The Mermaid" complete with a real mermaid. We did the shows in Cumberland as well as at home, and Octavia performed with us, giving us the chance to combine forces and enjoy each others' company. In July, as has often been the case, we thought we were taking our two month hiatus, but couldn't resist an invitation engineered by Sam to represent Chebeague at a shoreside concert at Christmas Cove. We were well received, and had lots of laughs getting there (my driving) and back (my driving).

The Christmas season approached more quickly than ever this year, probably because we were bound and determined to make good on our promise of yet another Christmas Bash With the Whalers, not done since three years back (White Christmas Revisited, see Newsletter '94). The Grinch Who Stole Christmas was in fact NOT type cast, with none other than Martha playing the Grinch, and due to the tremendous dedication of all the girls, the show went off without a hitch. The entire cast seemed to be having at least as much, if not more fun than the audience. Together with the help of the Hall Committee, we served up a wonderful array of unusual treats with nary a brownie in sight, at tables set up dinner theatre style. And with much thanks to the Mitchell family, we discovered a terrific accompanist, David Van Tassel, who more than once professed his love for both the Whalers AND the Island. In addition to the play, we also had a holiday sing-a-long, with Whalers vamping, and the audience having the opportunity to join us in some old favorites. It was also, as always, a pleasure to ring in the season at both church and around the Island, with record numbers of family members (mine) showing up for the house to house caroling.

Enter the post-season "EveryonegoestoFlorida" syndrome and those of us who stayed for the Ice Storms decided to spend our singing time going around and around as people have individually and collectively accused us of doing for years anyhow. We began a unit of Rounds and Canons, having immediate success, and getting in some good practice for further confusions in life. Finally, now that everyone has come to her senses and is Back Home, we can prepare for the Concert of the Century, well, maybe, and that will be on July 3, 1998. It promises to be eclectic, patriotic (somewhat) and, of course, FUN, because as is always the case, that's a goal we'll never discard. Thanks for all your support, and for listening to us. We couldn't do it without you.

Current Whalers are: Sam Birkett, Sue Burgess (also in Octavia), Dianne Calder, Louise Doughty, Khaki Habig, Martha Hamilton, Carrie Hawks (also in Octavia), Ruth Houghton, Banu KomLosy, Joan Maxon, Eleanor Morse, Pat Prescott, Barbara Porter, Joan Robinson, Susie Stavropoulos, Vail Traina, and myself,

-- Deborah Gordon


(More information available on the internet if underlined)

A quick census of Chebeague was done on January 1st, 1998. There were approximately 324 people on the Island.


Lisa Webber to John Schumacher

Carol Munroe to Christopher Pendergast

Dr. Shannon Meredith to John Pickett

Noelle Leon to Brice Shipley

Congratulations also to Merrill (Chip) and Judy Hall, Talbot and Carter Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGuire and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon (Don) Mayer on their recent weddings.


John Jordan to Catarina Stanford

Darren Sparling to Jill Trower

Christopher LeSiege to Debora A. Pelletier

Craig Campbell to Kimberley Moore



Seth Gibson to Sarah and Robert Prescott

Jamison McIntosh to Lynne (McIntosh) and James Cyr

Michelena Lynn to Vicki and Neil Taliento

Carmelita Fernades to Caroline and Joe Partlow

Catherine Annalynn to Debbie (Jones) and Jayson Courier

David Philip to Chris (Freeman) and Michael Feinberg

Elizabeth Alden to Laura and George Hayden

Noah Armand to Paige (Lestan) and Ricka Boisvert

Zachary Robert to Christina (Tomasini) and Scott Varney

Jade Arlene to Mimi Lestan and Eric Morlock

Julia Ann to Michelle and Andy Hamilton

Oliver Bradford and Timothy Edward to Eliza Jane Adams

Robert William to Kristen and William Brown

Heather Cassidy to Laurel (Lestan) and Rick Earle

William Grant to Alnah (Doughty) and Gene Robinson

Aschlee Corine to Christina (Nickerson) and Ronald Strawmier

Timothy Leigh to Virginia Tatakis and Tom Calder

Shoshanna Rose to Laurie Wood and Scott McCollom

Lucas (Luc) Richard to Sara Thomson and Brian Phipps

Addie Frances to Gail and Andrew Todd

James Fremant to Patricia and Donald MacNeil

Jordan Elizabeth to Rosalyn (Weagle) and Franklin Glassock


Judith Downey Becker

Blanche Bennett

Etta Biggio

Robert W. Brown (Lee Brown's husband)

David Buxbaum

Marian Burgess

Mabel Campbell

Matthew E. Cobb

Clyde Colbeth, Jr.

Bernard Doughty

Samuel Duryea

William Eaves

Barbara "Bobbie" Faubert

Willard T. Fenderson

Iris Gwillim (Mrs. Robert A.)

P. J. Hale

Richard Hamilton

Richard Henkle

Harriet Hutchison

Lillian Hutchinson Keenan

Lewis Kendall

Janet Kuntz

Joanne LaGanke

 Henry Libby

Gerald Littlefield

Carolyn MacCormack

Edward W. MacCormack

Edith (Jackie) MacLennan

Joseph Meserve

Brooke Olsen

Joseph "Bud" O'Neil

Frances Otey

David Perkins

Francis Putnam

Mary Raymond

Bernard "Bud" Robinson

Weston Ross

Helen Slowik

Alice Schmeider

Lida Small

Lloyd Tanguay

Grace Trappan

Nancy Cooke Tucker

Dorothy Gee Walker

Lewis Webber, Jr.

Marian Wessell

Constance Wilde

Condolences to the following people who have also lost a loved one: Ross Martindale, Elda Gwillam, Barbara Porter, Charles Hilly, Bob Jones, Robert McLellan, David Trower, Linda White, Peggy Dyer, Peggie Jones, Martha McLean, Tom Joyce, Carla and Peter Joyce, Gertrude Burrill, Shirley Horr Doughty and Dale Morlock.

Census data provided by Dianne Calder and Marjorie Munroe

Opposite Page:

This photograph of the Golden Cross Hall was recently discovered by Betsey Ross as she was going through some old family snapshots. The various young people standing in front of the entrances are probably high school pupils and we think that the photograph was taken in the early 1900s. Can you identify any of them for us?